A Prehistoric Problem
Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle finds himself drawn into the mysteries of the Lost World in my new story inspired by his novel.
Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle finds himself drawn into the mysteries of the Lost World in my new story inspired by his novel.
Watson deals with a difficult patient and Holmes confronts a mass killer in the latest books.
Sherlock Holmes is in mourning and not taking on new cases, but Mr. Melas thinks he’s being haunted - by the Ghost of Mycroft Holmes!
Every story begins somewhere, and in The Denarian Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, my latest adventures find a young Sherlock Holmes at school and university, developing the skills that will one day make him the world’s greatest detective.
Women take the lead in Sherlock Holmes and the Great Lady Detectives, including the first female detective in English fiction, Ruth the Betrayer, who stars in my story, The Red Ledger.