Riding Shotgun on a Stage from Grief
First Published:
20 March 2018The only thing the Man with No Name knows about himself is that he is a killer, but what is a gunslinger meant to do when bullets no longer solve his problems? Can he find a new purpose on a stagecoach journey through Tombstone District?
This short story is another tale set in the City of the Saved. The collection focuses on the theme of strangers and I could not think of a more iconic stranger than a gunslinger from an old western movie.
What People Are Saying:
Will Martin's review on Time Travel NexusThe […] spaghetti western, ‘Riding Shotgun on a Stage from Grief,’ is one of the anthology’s higher points. […] Themes regarding one’s place in the world, and how to fit an existence that doesn’t initially feel right, are given time, thought, and respect. The final act is a satisfying coming together of character arcs with a surprisingly upbeat conclusion.
‘Riding Shotgun on a Stage from Grief’ is a wonderful story, and one that could only work when removed from the fast-paced expectations of Doctor Who.
Published in:
Stranger Tales of the City

The knights hospitaller have just woken to a second life in a City the size of a galaxy.
Two strangers from a far-distant future are flung together on Resurrection Day.
A window-seller visits a claustrophobic suburb and finds it full of mystery.
A Remake gunslinger seeks a new role from the one he was always meant to play…
In this, the sixth anthology in the City of the Saved series, we meet a host of human and not-so-human characters getting to grips with life in the afterlife: alien adoptees with no previous experience of human cultures; Citizens permanently missing and not merely misplaced; priestesses of long-forgotten religions; posthumans with their own baffling version of the Civil Tongue; a viral strain of humankind that has never known community…
The City is full of strangers and these are their tales.
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Publication Formats:
- PaperbackEbookISBN9781909031647